Depression is a medical condition in which a person feels very sad and anxious and often has physical symptoms such as being unable to sleep, general weakness of the body, etc. Depression is a silent killer disease that has been in existence long ago. To me, depression is the hand work of the arch enemy of man (A.K.A Satan).  whether it is a post natal depression that arises after child birth or depression that arises as a result of lost of one’s jobs, loneliness, lost of loved ones, etc are all not ordinary. Satan has a way of breaking people down psychologically and emotionally. It is my prayer that as you read through this brief Christian devotion, the Lord will touch you. The bible says

“The thief cometh not but to steal, to kill and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John10:10)”.

It is the desire of God for you to live a happy and joyful life, but the unseen enemy of man is desperate to break you down emotionally with his lies.

So, what are the lies that Satan tells you secretly that breaks you down? A few of these will suffice:

First, that you have no hope anymore: Ask anyone that suffers depression, inwardly they feel they have lost all hope. If it’s somebody that just lost her jobs, Satan will say to her ‘forget about getting such beautiful jobs again’. And because securing a good job itself may take some time, the fellow will actually be feeling down psychologically after a few interviews without a success. This is the beginning of depression in the person’s life.

Second, that you can no longer live life to the fullest. This is the kind of things that Satan registered to the heart of a woman of that just gave birth. Satan will say to her that she’s finished as a lady and now is the time to carry the burdens of nursing her baby. The problem here is that if the woman is the type that has not fully prepared her mind for motherhood, then depression start to set in. What the enemy do is to work in people’s subconscious mind by filling it with negative thoughts. That is why the bible says in the book of proverb:
 “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life (Proverb 4:23)
As a Christian, if you fail to adhere to this scripture then the devil will come in.  Now if Satan succeeded in coming in and breaking you down, then he further suggest to you either of these three as a cure to your depression – alcohol, drug addiction or suicide. Well, that is not strange for the scripture says thief has come to steal, to kill and to destroy (John 10:10).

God’s own Therapy

God knew about all the tricks of the devil, and that is why he released His word long ago so that you will not be a victim of satanic attack whether it is depression or others.  
Although medical therapy for depression is both efficacious and important, the word of God is also an antidote to many psychological and emotional problems. For instance, the scripture says:
“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. (Proverb 17:22 KJV)”
As a Christian we should guide our heart with all diligence as instructed in the scripture. It’s when we allow the mind to wanders away from God to the things of the world that Satan has power to feed it with all sort of rubbish. When your heart is centred on the joy of the Lord, depression cannot come in.
If you are reading this Christian devotion and perhaps you are currently suffering from depression, I will suggest as that you seek medical help in the hospital, also do the following. If you are a true Christian, it is time to start reading the word of God, meditating on it, as well as praying for healing. If you have truly given your life to Jesus Christ, I’m sure he will answer you. If you are yet to give your life to Christ, then it is time to repent and be born again and pray that God should touch you with his healing hand.
Jesus is Lord