Daniel enviedToday, I’m going to write briefly on envy. I was reading the story of Daniel (Daniel 6:1-28) when I discovered a few things that I felt I should share with you today. Having finished reading the story in Daniel chapter 6 and saw what happened to Daniel’s accusers, I realised that it all started with envy. I was amazed how those individuals could allow the sin of envy to overwhelm them and thereby destroy their precious lives. May you never fall into this destructive sin.

Many of us (Christians) are guilty of envy. Whenever we see colleagues elevated to a higher position, we feel bad and ask our self why not me? Beloved, if you have ever felt that way, you need to repent. Ask God to forgive you because envy is a sin; not just a sin but a sin that could result in death. Let’s briefly look into the story of Daniel and his accusers so that you can have a good understanding of what I’m saying. In Daniel 6:1-3, Darius (the King) decided it would be good to appoint 120 satraps to rule throughout his kingdom. He also decided to set up three officials to oversee the satraps. Among the three officials he needed one person that would preside over other officials. In the process he looked into the account of each of these individuals and discovered that Daniel was a better choice. Having chosen Daniel to preside, his colleagues including those under him became envious of his position. They fall prey to the sin of envy. Sin number 1

These folks could not control their feelings. As a result, envy led them to the sin of conspiracy. They conspired against Daniel (Daniel 6:4-8) by asking the king to make a law that no one should pray to  any God, knowing fully well that Daniel could not do without praying to his God. They reported him after they found him praying and said he was praying to his God even when the law had been made that no one should pray to any God for thirty days – sin number 2. Beloved, check yourself: how do you relate to that colleague of yours who was recently promoted above you? Pastor E.A. Adeboye taught us a lesson some time ago; he said “pray for your colleagues that are promoted above you”. That way you will not fall prey to the sin of envy and conspiracy.

It doesn’t end there, these conspirators went to King Darius to lie against Daniel (Daniel 6:13). They said to the king that Daniel had no regard for the king – Sin number 3. As you can see, envy led them not only to sin of conspiracy but to sin of falsehood as well. The lesson here is that most of the thing that started as little sin ended up becoming a big and unmanageable sin if not repented as quickly as possible. As a Christian, we have the Holy Spirit and the word of God to guide our actions, our thinking and our will if only we yield to Him. Beloved let’s befriend Holy Spirit so that we would not fall.

Finally, brethren, the story of Daniel’s accusers is a tragic one. Daniel whom they sought to kill because of envy and hatred lived but they and their family died a tragic death - They become prey to the lions (Daniel 6:24). What started as envy led them to untimely death. This thing happened as a big lesson to every one of us. May the Lord lead and guide us always (in Jesus name)

Are You Saved?

The first step towards overcoming the sin of envy is to have Christ Jesus as your Lord and saviour. Are you born again? There is a big difference between a church goer and being born again. A church goer may not necessarily have Christ as his Lord and Saviour, but he that is born again has accepted Jesus as Lord. If you are not born again, the Holy Spirit cannot help you. Becoming a true child of God is very easy: all you need do is to surrender your life to Jesus Christ. To do this, simply say this prayer of salvation audibly and repent from all known sins. Please do it right away. Tomorrow might be too late!  God bless you.

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