God Is Good
Posted by Joseph Iwaye on Wednesday, August 1, 2012 Under: Christian Devotions
Scripture reading: Psalm 107:1-8
Christian Devotions Memory Verse
O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. (Psalm 107:1)

But to God be glory, for he sent his word to me.
He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.(Psalm107:20)
While I was still in the dungeon of sorrow and bitterness on the bed, it felt as if I was slumbering and I heard a word clearly in my ear “but God is good”. Immediately I woke up from my slumber and began to meditate on this word that God has sent to me. While doing this, I realised I have sinned by harbouring unhappiness in my heart. As I continue in the meditation, my eyes were opened to all the good that God has done. Thereafter I asked for forgiveness of sin; I said oh God please have mercy on me for I can now see that you are truly good.
O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him (Psalm 34:8 KJV)
It was lack of trust that brought me down to that state of unhappiness. Beloved, have you been trusting God for a particular thing that you haven’t received? Don’t worry, God is good. He is good to everyone that wait on him (Lamentation 3:25). As you wait, trust in Him with all your heart. Instead of looking into prayers that God has not answered, take a pen and paper and write down all that God has done. Count all your blessings and very soon you will discover that God is truly good.
Apart from counting your blessing, another thing God wants everyone waiting on Him to do is daily praise and worship. God is interested in our offering of praise. Take for example if we need anything from our biological father don’t we praise them? Off course we do. The same principle is applicable to God; we should praise him to let him know that we are aware of his capability of meeting our needs (Psalm 135:3). Beyond that, we should learn to sing praises unto God for he is our God and so deserve to be praised.
Beloved, the biggest gift anybody can receive from God is salvation. If you are not saved, though you gain the whole world it is meaningless. You can receive Jesus Christ today if you say this prayer of salvation with all your heart and promise to follow Jesus till the end. May the Lord be with you (amen).
- What other things can you do that will open your eyes to the goodness of God?
Christian Devotions Prayer Point
Heavenly father, I thank you for being my God. Let me always see your goodness and kindness in my life. Please open my heart to conceive your greatness in the name of Jesus.
God is Good! Hallelujah!!
Heavenly father, I thank you for being my God. Let me always see your goodness and kindness in my life. Please open my heart to conceive your greatness in the name of Jesus.
God is Good! Hallelujah!!
In : Christian Devotions
Tags: "god is good" god "psalm 107:1"
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